So how did my trip to the Chiro go?
On the whole very good. He gave me a check over lifing the arms, marching on the spot etc etc. His diagnosis matched that of what Sue the sports therapost said if got a cracker of a pelvic twist. My left leg is slightly shorter than my right but as I walk (and run) this changes and my left leg becomes longer because of the twist in my pelvis. This is causing strain in a variety of places and stops me from exerting full strength in my limbs. Apart from that I'm fine.
So consultation over lets move onto the treatment. I was told to lie face down on the treatment table while he put some wedges under my hips in different places. These force the pelvis into the correct alignment, I was then left on the table to "relax" for 5 minutes. After this the middle section of the table was raised up slightly and then with his hand forcing my pelvis down the mid section was suddenly dropped. This seemed to cure the twist, though for how long he's not sure. For all his patients he likes to see them twice a week for the first month so that he can constantly re-adjust until the body re-learns what the correct position actually is.
Now for the downside - cost. Each visit costs £30 and I have 8 visits planned in the next 4 weeks so thats £240 - a lot of money!! Especially since today was a very expensive day with the car. We're off camping in the summer and want to take a trailer so we had someone come install a towbar to the car OK that was planned and money set aside what wasn't planned was that the fitter saying the rear box of the exhaust was loose, well separated from the rest of the exhaust actually. Took the car to the exhaust place. New mid and rear sections needed for a turbo diesel. Oh and to cap it all it's time to renew the Road Tax - talk about open wallet surgery.
I'm going to make an appointment with the GP and see if they'll refer me to a chiropractor, then I'll get the Medical insurance to pay for my treatment. Apart from that Giovanni suggested a way of getting some extra cash in a hurry, but I'm not sure about the stocking masks and sawn-off shotguns....