Oh I like this
Been a baptism of (friendly) fire the past 2 days on the new job front.
Yesterday was my first day and we had a major design review with the customer. I sat/stood at the back of the room all day and stayed quiet. Everything went well at the review so good start. To prove what a small world it is one of our sub-contractors is a chap a know from about 7 years ago.
This morning was a visit to a Sub-contractor that is just inside the M25, so I had to battle with the worlds largest car park. OK it was a little after 9 when I got on it and wasn't anything like as bad as I'd expected.
MrsW is beginning to wander if my job is now that of a food critic. I've been on the job 2 days and someone has given me lunch on both days. And to cap it off I received an invite to my new division's christmas lunch in London!!
You can probably tell my smile is from ear to ear!
you just keep grinning 'cos it's good for you and you look just great!
6:08 am
oh I am SO pleased Rob
7:41 pm
Keep smiling, Rob.
8:23 pm
Rob, look after yourself. I hope the new job carries on as well as it has started. I'm off for a bit now, may not be able to post but I'll be thinking of you.
Take care
12:33 pm
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