Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Friday, October 06, 2006

End of an era

I've taken some serious body blow's the past 2 days.

Received a letter from the company yesterday requiring me to attend a discipline review about my internet usage. I was absolutely horrifed and very very stressed to the point where I couldn't stop pacing up and down in my own home. Made a few phone calls and someone from work came round to see that I was alright.

The review was today and I found it very stressful and broke down on several occasions. Fortunately I had brought along someone that I trusted to act as a representative. I tried to point out that my internet usage is symptomatic of my overall lack of motivation and difficulty in concentrating. The manager and HR struggled to understand this and at one point weren't going to allow input from the company doctor. They did however speak to the Doctor briefly and will await his report to see what if any action is to be taken.

Then the real body blow. After the formal completion of the review I was told that the customer have requested that I be removed from the project and their site with immediate effect. I was absolutely distraught about this. I have spent the past seven years of my life working on this system - seeing it into operations, sorting out its teething troubles and finally preparing for a major hardware upgrade. To leave the project in this way is heartbreaking.

So what now? I'm still directed to be away from work, but I, HR and the management team are endevouring to find me a new job within my Company. I'm very hopeful - I'm a good worker its just I'm having troubles just now. Some project or other will want me as long as its not on a customer site!


Blogger Leon said...

That is really really shitty Rob

You deserve to be treated with far more respect and, frankly, professionalism by the company than this.

9:22 pm

Blogger beanz said...


7:18 pm

Blogger womble said...

Oh Rob. It may be that there's something going on between the customer and your company that's nothing to do with you but you're being used as a pawn in some other game. It seems ludicrously harsh, especially as you've been so involved in the project for so long. It's surprising they want to lose you.

Being away from the customer glare may well be good for you. The shock of this right now though, must be horrendous. I don't know what to say by way of comfort.


8:11 pm

Blogger b-z said...

Just popping in to leave a hug

I too had internet issues a year ago in my job-said more about the job than me
Its pants when it isnt actually afecting ones work
And as for the other-just hang tight and rememebr you have rights

7:28 pm

Blogger Evil Pixie said...

so sorry for not being around before .. my heart goes out to you. I totally understand the distraction from work with internet and motivation issues.
Womble has a point, could be the customer is using you as an excuse to fight a different battle with your firm

how are things now??


9:26 pm

Blogger womble said...

Still thinking of you xxxxx

10:16 pm

Blogger Highway Kind said...


Above all else keep hold of a faith in yourself.

Eventually things will come right again.

Take care.

9:13 pm


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