Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Pros and Cons

Been an interesting week and a bit

Work has come good on the laptop panniers. The arrived at the beginning of this week. Its really great fits the laptop and all my bits and pieces along with a change of clothing. The only problem is its a fair weight on the bike, feel a little lopsided at first, but I've got used to it. Also with the work buying it for me I feel obliged to cycle into work. Exercise is a good thing isn't it.

Saw my own Doc last week and she was pleased with my progress and she doesn't want to see me for another 4 weeks. I was feeling great maybe it was just a day after coming back from holiday. Things started taking a turn for the worse after that. Had my routine one on one with my boss and I asked how he felt things were going, I was somewhat shocked to find that people were concerned that I was underperforming. What really did annoy me was that I'll be receiving a poor 6 month apprasial.

Hold on a minute I've been off work for 2 months, shouldn't have been at work for the 2 months before that and I'm only just getting back into the swing of things. To say I'm a little miffed is an understatement. Since then I've been getting a little stressed worried about what other people are thinking about my performance. Had an appointment with the company Doctor Wednesday and I took the oportunity to discuss it with him. He told me not to worry, some people were having unreasonable expectations of me at this moment. I've taken a considerable knock and can't be expected to be back to my old self for sometime yet.

The Doc also commented that I wasn't as happy as I was, so we had a chat about the job. The conclusion is that my role needs to be better defined and what is being expected of me. He's stepped me up to 7 hours instead of the 8 because I'm not ready.

I need to get things at work sorted

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'm back

Back from holiday a very nice relaxing camping break near Porlock in Somerset. The campsite was on National Trust land and had some fantastic walks in the woods and by the rivers. The site owner even had a riding stables at the site, so we took the opportunity of letting the boys have a pony ride near the site. They absolutely loved it.

Its the first time on Holiday that I've been happy to sit down and enjoy the surrondings. Pity I had to come back really.

So what have I come back to? Had a positive meeting with the company Doc just before I went away. He'd been in contact with my own Doc (they know each anyway). I've been approved to go to 6 hours a day with discretion to do 8 hrs on the odd day. However both him and my Doc agree that when I go to 8 hrs a day it means 8hrs a day. It is not a license to pile in the hours, despite what may be going on. Its a sentiment I fully agree with.

I took the opportunity of doing some reflecting on life in general. I definitely think I'm more relaxed about things. I'll actually sit down and have coffee with someone at work for the sake of having a coffee and a chat. Another example is that normally having come back from Holiday I'll remotely logon to work and have a browse of my e-mails. The thought hasn't even crossed my mind this time. Maybe I am better, have to see what happens next week.