Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Friday, January 20, 2006

New Gadget

I've commenced the weaning off of the Fluoxetine. I didn't have any yesterday. I'll admit I didn't really feel any different yesterday. I did sleep much better last night, still fitfull but better than the middle of the night wake-up's I've had recently.

Spoke to my boss about the situation, he was as every great. I'm not to step up my hours next week. I was due to go to another company's offices next week for some tech-head discussion, but I'm not going now as its one less thing for me to worry about. I will confess that I did do more hours than I was supposed to this week. Somethign took my interest and I stuck with it - don't know if that's good or bad.

Been doing some more work on the Thin Controllers railway. The track is laid and is about half tacked down. The tacks ain't half fiddly though. Only problem is he wants and extentsion to the baseboard already!!

I have the offical role of making the tea first thing in the morning. MrsW doesn't function very well if she doesn't get her tea in bed. Problem is with me not going to work so early her tea isn't ready in time, so I bought a new kitchen gadget. A drinks maker, bit like to old teasmaid but electronic and it can make me a coffee at the same time - clever ehh.

Oh yeah being running the past couple of days. Today's effort was 7.12 miles in 1:00:38 (Ave pace 8:31 Ave HR 153). Again a run I can be pleased with. Tomorrow will be interesting the long slow run at the end of the week. Maybe another jog round the seaside.


Blogger Leon said...

Good news on the sleep front Robert - lets hope this interim period in the change of medication continues to go smoothly!!

"...Somethign took my interest and I stuck with it - don't know if that's good or bad..."
It's something that you did more hours for because you were interested in it - not because you had to be there to do it, so to my mind that's a Good Thing..

[chuckles quietly]
already told you that you were in trouble with the Thin Controller
...and you know that this is the thin end of the wedge

Ooooh Gadgets - having withdrawal here, not had a new gadget in ages
[batters Green Monster into submission]

Nice run - you are running really nicely at the moment

11:56 pm

Blogger Leon said...

[pauses for breath.....]


11:58 pm

Blogger Evil Pixie said...

but that's a boring gadget! It doesn't do anything apart from make tea! Now if it made dinner and tea and breakfast and did the washing up ... oh yeah that's me!! hehe!!

Oh and the staying longer - I'm with Leon, that's a good thing because you wanted to. If it was work then that would be bad but it seems they are being really good to you! I am so pleased. I have full faith in my firm being crap!

2:21 pm

Blogger RobW said...

Pixie - I know its a boring gadget but it is useful gadget. I'm only allowed useful gadgets now.

Leon - The thin controller will have to wait. I'm building my one next!!

Does a model railway count as a gadget?

4:26 pm


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