Looked back at my running log for last year and was pleasantly surprised.
This time last year I hadn't quite started running again after a long time off with a bad case of couldn't be bothered. I was also 5lbs heavier than I am now ( and I feel fat just now ). I was however able to build this up to 40 miles a week by the end of the year and 5 lbs lighter than I am now.
That little comparision tells me a lot, I remember what I felt like when I started running again last year and it was a lot worse than it is just now, yet I went one to be able to do some serious training and enjoyed it. All I need is to enter a BIG race, something to focus on, something to strife towards. Well thats got to be a marathon, now where did I put my FLM forms?
Let battle commence!!
7:01 am
Good Morrow Sir Robert..
[bows flambouyantly]
7:02 am
he's back to running!
see you at mile 18
(I'll be the one handing out the jelly babies (or whatever is your wish))
9:57 am
'bout bliddy time an all!
10:12 am
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