Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sleeping easier at night now.

I used to play cricket when I was a kid in Scotland and can remember Bob Willis spraying some poor Austrialian wicket all over Headingley and looking back to the umpire to ensure it wasn't a no-ball. Then there has been the hell of the past 5 days! What a way to go, look as if we were going to throw it away on the last day then in steps Pietersen. What a performance. Anyway the upshot of it is that last night was the best night's sleep I've had in a week!!

Now that if done the Ashes bit what else have I been up to?

Last week was very busy week for the Social Diary

Saw King Lear at Chichester Theatre - not a great Shakespeare man myself just about made out Lear was going mad the Daughters were scheming what not's and that most of the cast were dead by the end of the play. Anyway enjoyed that.

Comapny BBQ, Pitch black by the time food was served, but then what can you expect for an evening in September - food was great, the free wine was even better. Locally produced as well, need to head back out to the vineyard and get a couple of bottles.

LittleW turned 5 - Party at the local leisure centre using their bouncy castle and play equipment. Due to some refurbishment work the party room wasn't available so they gave us a squash court to have the eating part in. Hopefully they'll give it a good clean out!!

Still not run though I joined in briefly for BigW's bleep test training at Rugby. Foot was a little sore but held up. In fact I was quite pleased, pleased enough to pack my running kit for work. Short 1 mile or so on the treadmill is planned at luchtime. Fingers crossed!

Lunchtime Update
No Run :<( Got dragged into a meeting which didn't finish till 12:30 then realised I had to eat in the canteen as there is no meal service on offer this evening (MrsW out the night)


Blogger beanz said...

good luck on the tready

I remember Willis too!

He was my hero

Was presented with his Diary of a season by the staff cricket team I scored for

(eek that makes me much older than you)

9:12 am

Blogger RobW said...

I was 12 when Botham and Willis did their double act on Australia

1:36 pm

Blogger Leon said...

How did the lunchtime run go Robert..??
I occasionally get problems with the bottom of one of my feet - harps back to my first 'stupidity' injury!

but now I have one of those wooden Reflexology rolling thingys to massage and stretch the bottom of my foot - and a couple of different running shoes with diferent shaped footbeds which I rotate.

Touch wood - those things have kept said foot problem at bay for a while now..

Don't know if that's any help to you

5:55 pm

Blogger Cath Delaney said...

Blimey... he's still alive then!!


Back to running properly soon..? Oh and we're going to watch "Carmen" in October - Mr Cath doesn't have a clue either but I've told him he'll enjoy it


7:02 pm


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