Bored Bored Bored
I am so bored at the moment. My last run was on Saturday and what a mistake that was. I ignored the signs of a cold a went for a steady run. Finished it with a very sore Plantar Faciitis and a horribly cold. Felt like death warmed up on Saturday and Sunday and I didn't stop limping until the Monday. Haven't run since and its driving me mad. I'll wander onto the tready at lunchtime and give it a go for a couple of miles, ease the body back into doing something.
Chiro is advising me to get orthotics and has offered a choice of 2 different ones, either £180 or £275. The £180 variety are heat moulded and should last about 3 years. The £275 involve a foot scan and are made in Canada and will take about 3 weeks to do. Unfortunately health insurance won't cover either so more open wallet surgery required.
What else to say? Didn't see much of Austria as the trip went something like this
Plane - Airport - Taxi - Office - Taxi - Hotel - Taxi - Restaurant - Taxi - Hotel - Taxi - Office - Taxi - Airport - Plane, but then I knew the trip would be like this, so I can't complain. Work was interesting though.
Oh one last thing went to see the masseuse during the week, that was a painful experience. At one point in time she had her elbow in my butt, bent my leg and then rotated it outwards, I went very quiet then started reciting "I must not Squawk, I must not Squawk", she has promised to make me squawk at the next session - Gulp! {Sweat beads appear on RobW's forehead at just the though of it}
orthotics get mixed reports it seems to me
need to make sure they are good ones
look after yourself
8:36 pm
No pain, no gain?
Hope you recover soon.
8:57 pm
pops head round door to see STILL No update ... hmmm. You oK?
8:23 am
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