Off the front line again
I've had a rocky couple of weeks at work. Got a big shock on Monday when I ws told someone I work with was in hospital with a minor heart-attack, things culminated yesterday when I didn't get out of bed until gone 9, then sat on the edge of the bed thinking I wasn't up to going to work.
Duly took the hint and called in sick, though I said I might be in for the afternoon. Decided against that and stayed off for the whole day. By co-incidence I had a Doctors appointment this morning so we had a chat about it. I've been reluctant to take time off because I don't want to be seen as a shirker - but then I'm not a shirker. I've been in enough tough situations and respected enough by my peers and managers to prove that beyond doubt. The reason I'm not looking forward to going to work is because I'm unwell.
I've been toughing it out at work in the hope it was going to get better - its not and I'm in danger of running out of energy. So I agreed with my Doc that I'll take upto my 7 days of self-certificated sickness before re-assessing. She suggested signing me off for 2 weeks but work won't let me back while I'm covered by a sick note. If I'm up to it I can go back to work next week, if not I just need to phone the Doc and she'll sign me off without needing to see her again.
Went to see the chap who was ill. He hadn't actually had a heart-attack but a mini-stroke or TIA for the medics amongst us. He's been discharged from hospital but has to undergo further tests as they haven't been able to find a cause for it. As you can imagine he's had a shock and still hasn't got full feeling back in his fingers. He isn't allowed to drive so is more or less stuck at home. Told him if he wanted any company to give me a ring and I'd come round. Could even start a company sick ward - just need some pretty nurses {Rob ducks for cover}
you obviously DO need the time off
and realising that no one will think you a shirker is a really good step forwards
7:49 am
I am so pleased that you are able to see through the emotional forest mate. Take care
Can friend go for a walk? Perhaps you could go for a drive somewhere and have a stroll
8:11 am
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