Company Doc
Another poor nights sleep last night. Woke up at 3 tossed and turned got back to sleep to wake up again at 5, tossed and turned and finally dragged myself out of bed at 7. Didn't stop yawning all day. Didn't help that I had a 2 hour minute that was so boring I was nodding off. I'll think I'll find a reason not to go to the next one!
Didn't run at lunchtime
1) The meeting overran so it was late and I was really hungry
2) I couldn't muster the energy to go
Went to see the company Doc this afternoon and he asked me how it was going. Good and bad was my response. Told him about me avoiding this document and sleepless nights.
His view was that I'm getting better but not up to full strength. Avoiding the document is probably down to me sub-conciously knowing I don't have the concentration levels to deal with it. Here and now concentration is fine but longer periods are a problem. He's recommended I stay on restricted hours ( 30pw ) until I see him again in 2 weeks time. We can then re-assess the situation.
Need to get off the computer now. MrsW wants to do some research!!
good move by the Dr
take it nice and easy Rob!
Oh and as for that mail - if I find anyone who may be interested I will pass the information on!!
I may be back to work next week, doubt if I will last all day mind! I will have a walk at lunch to loosen the back. Interestingly there is a B&Q within walking distance of work!
2:46 pm
What a good pair of docs you are seeing
I generally find that a bad night's sleep is down to things left undone that ought to have been done or things that are looming
so maybe you were thinking about the appointment
sleep well tonight it's the weekend
4:23 pm
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