Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Time to think

Its been over a week since I last posted so I'd better make this one a good one.

What have I been up to? Quite a lot actually.

Took 2 days holidays last week and finished flooring half the loft. See pictures below. I still need to run power up there but I'll get round to that next weekend hopefully.

Saw the Company Doc for a scheduled meeting, he was happy enough with my progress but thought it wise I stay on 25 hrs pw until my sleep settles down. He wants to see me again in 3 weeks time and until then keep to the 25 hrs, there is no rush.

Work still has its swings and roundabouts. A lot depends on what I'm doing. If someone asks me to do something on the spot it gets done and I enjoy it, but if I have a pile of work to do I have difficulty getting on with it. Had a few techie meetings to go to and made my presence felt (they are fun) In fact a few I have been invited to just so that I'm there to give advice - that sounds a bit big headed but you know what I mean. People are just happier if I'm there.

Took the rugby referees course yesterday, so unless I've done really badly on the written test paper I'm allowed to ref a rugby match. That will come in handy for doing games for BigW's age group, though someone did say the Vets quite often needed a ref. Talking of BigW he has certainly developed a front row's outlook to the game. He was sitting on the sidelines watching his team against their local rivals when all of sudden he started shouting encouragement, nothing wrong with that except he was shouting "Kill, Kill, Kill". When he played I felt sorry for his opposite number in the scrum, he was pushing him all over the place!

Managed a single 6 mile run, though I think I have come out of the CBA phase. I want to run now but been obstructed by domestic concerns Oh yeah the boiler's on the blink - Again!!

It has allowed me time to think. I've missed 3 weeks of training possibly because I wasn't enjoying myself. I put myself through the mill last year and didn't have a lot to show for it at the end. I'm not doing that this time.
I was following Hal Higdon's "Advance I" training plan but that's 6 days a week and was due to be 50 miles this week. I'm not prepared/capable of putting that level of training. So I've decided to drop down a couple of levels to the Intermediate I. I ain't running Lochaber to win it - I'm running it for the fun of it - and that includes the training.

After Lochaber is over I'm going back to doing 10K's - they don't take over your life so much


Blogger Evil Pixie said...

"going back to 10ks they don't take over your life!"
Now as a plodder I did a 19m run for my 1st mara and a 54m bike ride for FLM both were in excess of 4hrs! Now that is taking over your life! That's why I said I would train to get faster then get a GFA (that be before I got injured!)
Totally see where you are coming from! Good shout!
As for work! Excellent Dr there!
And loft looks great! Can't wait to see the track up!

8:09 am

Blogger Leon said...

I think I should tell everyone about our little challenge


6:08 pm

Blogger Evil Pixie said...


10:43 pm

Blogger RobW said...

Ohh the little 10K challenge. Well basically Leon and myself are going to try and cover 10 Kilometres in less than 40 minutes (running of course).

I've managed it once at the Eastleigh 10K back in 2000. I was however 2 stone lighter then.

The timescale is sometime in 2007

11:09 pm


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