Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Looking forward

Another couple of good days.

Went to see middle W in his Christmas performance at school. You could tell a lot of hard work had been put in by the children and staff and it was a pleasure to watch.

Finally decided what I wanted for Christmas and went out an bought it. I'll now need to start reading game reviews to work out what's the best.

Had a telephone conversation with the Boss. I'm feeling a lot and I mean a lot happier now and am actually looking forward to going back to work. Hopefully the Doc agrees with me next week. It seems that as I've been off for 4 weeks I have to be seen by the company Doc before I can start back at work. I think they are just satisfing themselves that I'd be really fit to return. The Boss has a work-up plan for me when I go back. Basically start off with 20 hrs for the first week, then up by 5 hrs per week until I get back to the full 40 hrs, that sounds very fair.

Had dinner last night with a couple of Work colleagues from the States that are over. We didn't actually discuss work (I suspect they were told not to!), but they brought lots of well wishes from people in the office. People at work are genuinely worried about me, but this causes me concern. I don't want to wrapped in cotton wool, yes I need to be careful but I need to get back to performing a useful role. Perhaps that's running before I can crawl, need to be passed fit by the Doc first....


Blogger beanz said...

not expect anything else of people workimg for a guy like you (more concerned if they weren't, cos that would say something about them)

take care and listen to the doc


8:52 pm

Blogger Cath Delaney said...

Rob, let them worry about how they treat you at work. You just worry about work when it comes time to go back (and not before). The people at work genuinely want you to come back and be well. It's not fun being ill and they're just showing that really. Oh and it wn't be long before that cotton wool feeling wears off and you'll be back to full-steam-ahead (believe me, I know!)


8:32 am

Blogger Evil Pixie said...

so pleased to hear you are feeling better slowly!
Am guessing you bought a PS2 - so now you can trial one for me! I mean Gnome! He may get one for his birthday in the summer and if he does I was thinking about the kinetic sporty games thing with the "eye" and the golf with the glove and stick too!

2:28 pm

Blogger Evil Pixie said...

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2:29 pm

Blogger womble said...

Don't go back until you know why it happened and can take steps to prevent its recurrence. I mean it, really. {{{Rob}}}

9:26 pm


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