Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Bacon Butties

Busy day today and all of it revolving round rugby.

Gran and Grandpa W had the Little Ws last night, so we got what passes as a lie-in. Well when I say lie-in I mean 8:30 before we had to get up collect the Little Ws and head off to Rugby training. Todays training was extra difficult as it was Big W's age groups turn for Kitchen Duty. Somewhere along the line I seemed to have gotten the reputation as being the kitchen expert so I get to sort it out and serve a couple of hundred bacon butties. I suppose I can be forgiven if I wake up in the middle of the night shouting "2 Bacon butties, 1 coffee, a tea and a hot chocolate".

I did mange to escape out long enough to see Big W play a match where he attempted to break some kid that upset him into pieces on the pretext the kid had the ball and Big W wanted it.

Quickly home stuck big W in the shower and then Me and Big W where off to Reading to watch London Irish v Cardiff Blues (middle and small W had a party to go to with MrsW). First time I've been to Premiership Club game but it was a great game was even on the TV! BBC's presence was quite useful because when the game was the other soide of the pitch we just looked up at the big screen and watched it there. :>)

Big W really enjoyed and was jumping up and down shouting "Irish!, Irish!" wearing his England top - Hmm will have to work that one out later. We are however making plans for Me and all the Little W's to go up and watch the game against Wasps on New Years Eve - that could be fun.


Blogger Cath Delaney said...

Marnin Rob

Happy Monday


7:05 am

Blogger beanz said...

morning Rob


7:34 am

Blogger Evil Pixie said...

and the mad stad is where the reading half is in April!

2:15 pm

Blogger Cath Delaney said...

Happy Tuesday Rob!


9:42 am


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