Back to school
Much better sleep last night so I was feeling a lot better this morning, which was fortunate as I was helping out at the school in the morning.
Mr G (the teacher) had asked me to listen to some of the children reading their books. What was a bit odd was he phoned up in the morning to tell me to put a vest on. It seems I was to be spending some of the morning outside!
Turned up had a brief chat with the office staff, grabbed a coffee and was presented with a reading folder and a digital thermometer/noise measuring device. It was then the evil plan was explained.
As part of their work Yr 3/4 where looking at their school environment with a view to putting a quiet area in the playgorund. What they had to decide was where to put the quiet area. Things to be considered where warm spots in the playground and noise readings. My job was to take a group of them outside during class to gather a set of readings. This turned out to be quite a bit of fun.
The reading was also good. I got a real sense of pleasure from helping out the children when they struggled with some words and discussing what the story was about. When I went home at lunchtime I actually feel as if I had achieved something worthwhile and for the first time in a while I remember smiling just because I was feeling happy. :>)
I smiled all the way through reading this Robert
11:00 pm
that is SUCH good news
11:02 pm
That is just so damn fantastic!!
Re the PS2 ... get the synergy game I mean program as that has yoga and stuff in it and you can say you wanted the Mrs to have some relaxing time.Then you put on kick boxing and kick the c**p out of someone!!
or the golf game .. or
1:42 pm
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