Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I'm sufferring from Depression. There said it!

Its only after the last couple of days that I have come to realise that this is not something to be ashamed of. Something like 1 in 6 people suffer from it. In fact I've been astounded by the number of people I've spoken to that have actually suffered from it themselves.

Went to see Q the counsellor on Thursday. And we just talked about this and that. He seems pleased that I'm making all the correct noises and looking on the positive side of things, planning things like my Lochaber weekend. Got another session in just over a weeks time.

Helped with the School christmas fair last night. First time its been tried on a Friday, it seemed to raise just as much money as when its run Saturday except its a lot less hassle. Was speaking to one of the teachers that I get on well with (He taught Big W for 2 years and is now teaching Middle W - poor man). He offered me the chance to come in and help out at the school, either sitting with the children listening to their reading or perhaps even helping with some ICT classes. I think this would be a great idea. It allows me top put a bit of structure back into my day , have social interaction and do soemthing worthwhile.

Running has had to come a temporary stop again as I've had a recurrance of the cold (or caught a new variant) This one is being a pain as I'm not able to sleep properly with at night, making me tired during the day at least I hope its cold causing it not the depression (as its one of its effects). Nah got to be positive its the cold.


Blogger Leon said...

Doing things because you want to do them is a really good idea Robert...

Just be careful they don't become 'expected' and taken for granted, and become a stressor in themselves..

Run when you can, and try and smile at least once a day

Lots of Good Things in this post Robert

9:33 am

Blogger Evil Pixie said...

Fraggle helps out at school - why not drop her a line
and don't mention colds!
anyway {{ROB}}

10:00 am

Blogger Cath Delaney said...

Hiya Rob

You know... I know how much guts that first sentence must have taken to write. I was diagnosed with depression after I finished my chemo & radiotherapy. I was also put on Prozac. Couldn't get away from the "I'm going to die" feelings and they made me pretty bad. All the symptoms and signs I've seen you blog here... for the last few weeks - had me nodding. The thing is now though, it's being treated and you have recognised it for what it is... my friend, that's half the battle. It's not easy but things can only improve (with some bumpy bits along the way). But the bottom line is, you will recover and you will at some point look upon this period in life as maybe a period where you felt 'ill' and out of control (I did) but it also teaches you alot about yourself and your perceptions and preconceptions about what illness is. It isn't just the physical manifestation of disease and it is in fact, no shame to be spiritually, psychologically poorly at times. Today in our society - with all the media, commercialism, stressors and work... I am quite amazed that most adults do not get depressed at times!!

(((big hugs for you)))


8:31 pm

Blogger RobW said...

Folks thanks for your kind wishes and support. Words can't express what they mean to me

10:17 pm


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