Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Visit

Another cold start this morning, but then what's new this week. Went for the 3 mile half-mara pace run with a mile and a bit either side for warm-up and down. Still very diappointed with my fitness at pace. Even opting for a conservative 7:30 pace left me struggling at the end of the 3 miles. Ended up covering the 3 miles in 22:06 with an average HR of 168, pity the last mile was averaging 176! Recovery run tomorrow.

On to the main event of the day my visit to the counsellor, for the sake of the blog I'll call him Q. Interesting experience he uses a bit of run down office space in town, the entrance to which is simply a door sandwiched between 2 shops, very easy to miss. Not a plush place at all, but I didn't mind it serves it purpose. He asked me what I wanted out of the session. I didn't really know. I said "I know I'm broken but I don't know what I need to fix". We talked about all sorts of things, relationships with my family, work and even running. He wanted to know if I run alone or as part of a group. Difficult one to answer, I run with a variety of different people depending on what I have in mind that day, but the long haul is on my own.

Not sure I got anything out of today which I didn't already know, but at least Q knows about now as well. Something for us to discuss next week....


Blogger Evil Pixie said...

{tries to remove James Bond images from head - fails ..... pictures scene... Rob in tux....STOOOOOPPPPPPPP}

Err yes where was I!
Oh yes Rob! You ain't broken!You are all put together nicely, it just some bits need pushing back into place to make them fit comfy again! I agree with Laura (now I've stopped thinking of 007)

Just remember - you did FLM and you can do this to! You're a runner and runners are not only cool mad fools who run in stupid weather and stupid distances but they are bloody good people! And you are a bloody good person!
You've done the working like mad for the company now just relax and take whatever time and help you need and think about you for a bit (and not kitchen aireals! (however you spell that!) ) OK!?!!


10:25 pm

Blogger RobW said...

The name is W, Rob W. licensed to blog

Pix/Laura - Perhaps broken is too strong a term, but it does sum up my feelings. Something isn't right and needs to be sorted but I don't know what or how.

Nonetheless, thanks for your kind thoughts

11:14 pm

Blogger Highway Kind said...


Counselling will not give you any quick answers. However it will start by helping ou ask the right questions.

It all takes time - just like running everything takes as long as it takes.

Sometimes discovering the obvious can be surprisingly tortuous. But do not fear, things work out and what has once been found is never truely lost.

Take care

12:33 pm

Blogger Highway Kind said...

Oh and on the broken theme -

I was watching Grosse Point Blank tonight and there was a piece of dialogue:

"When I said you were broken I was being a little harsh.
A bit sprained maybe but fixable"

" I take that as a compliment then"

11:28 pm


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