Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Finding things to do

Went to see the boss yesterday. Had a good chat about this and that, how I was feeling what did I want to do when I came back that sort of thing. We talked about the amount of e-mail I'd have when I came back. He had a simple solution - get IT to delete my entire inbox. If there was anything really important people would send it again or talk to me when I'm back. To use his favourite phrase "That Works!"

Bumped into my friend that gave me the warning about overdoing the running. Told her I hadn't run for 4 days because of my cold. She said good, I felt like throttling her!!! I'm not doing a fantasticly large amount of running, I'm too sensible to jump up the miles but it does add a bit of structure to my day. The days are drifting by without any real purpose, which makes me feel worse at times. I've fixed the kitchen aerial, changed the defective light under the kitchen cabinet, ordered MrsW Christmas presents. What else do I do?

Was reduced today to going to the school and signing all the Christmas cards being sent out by the governors. All 51 of them. The worrying thing is I found it a struggle, kept on misspelling Christmas, a sign that my concentration levels are not what they should be.

On the bright side my cold has cleared to the extent that I can resume running, though the rest of the week will be gentle runs to be on the safe side.


Blogger beanz said...

pleased the cold is clearing

take care of yourself


11:09 pm

Blogger Highway Kind said...

Your boss seems to have a pretty good take on things.

Your non-running friend does not. Running not only gives a focus it can help prepare the mind. All you have to do is run easy - a sort of enforced base training - and try to lose yourself in the rhythm. Then when you get back extend the stretching and work on posture.

It will come right.

11:42 pm

Blogger womble said...

Listen to the signs. The inability to concentrate definitely means you're still not well, I'm sorry. Take time. Enjoy the easy runs. I agree with HK - work on the stretching and stuff after the runs too while you have the time. It will set good habits for the future too.

I like your boss :-)

12:23 pm


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