I was at a real low point yesterday evening. Sleep has been a real problem for me the past couple of days waking at 2 or 3 in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep. This in itself is depressing but the constant tiredness it brings is worse.
Last night at 6 o'clock I was done in. I was tired,irritable and on the border of tears. Managed to hold on till about 10 then went to bed. Woke up with a coughing fit from my cold at 1 in the morning and felt like screaming. I can handle being woken in the middle of the night by the kids, because once they are sorted out I can normally get back to sleep, but when I wake up of my own accord I just can't get back to sleep. I opted to get up and get a bottle of water and bring it upstairs and sip it. That seemed to calm the cough and was able to get some sleep albeit in 90 minute chunks, before the next coughing fit and sip of water.
I felt better this morning, not great but better. The cold is receding quickly so hopefully tonight will be a better nights sleep. MrsW cheered me up by taking in me into John Lewis at Southampton for some Christmas shopping. Good trip, got MrsW present and a couple of things for the boys, but not mine. I have a choice to make my main present needs to be a gadget but what?
We looked at DVD recorders but I want one with an inbuilt Hard Drive and they cost too much. Tea and Coffee maker - MrsW liked that because it was programmable so the drinks would be ready in the morning or and this was a MrsW suggestion, a PS2! I'm not a great game player but MrsW thought it would be fun for me and the boys would like it as well. Something for me to think about
Get a PS2!!!
Let's face it... you'll never get one for yourself.
(I've got one and it's great. Plays DVD's too.. and you can do other stuff with it which I haven't figured out yet)
Oh.. and..
11:19 pm
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