Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A relative of Giovanni?

I'm convinced the scales at home are wrong. They are trying to tell me I've put on over 3lb in weight in the 5 days I was away, nah must be some mistake. So I keep on re-weighing myself but no its not a one off, I've put weight on.

Hmm only one thing to do - Go running - but when?

Couldn't go Saturday because I didn't get up till 10, tired from the flight back.
Couldn't go Sunday as I was with BigW at a rugby tournament - which his team happened to win - in fact he got 2 tries, one being quite good to watch as the opposition tried to tackle him and just bounced off and he lumbered his way over the line.
Ahh Monday lunchtime perfect - oh no Sports Massage booked. I'm beginning to wonder if my massuese is related to Giovanni in someway. She certainly has this sadistic streak.

She gets disappointed if I don't squawk in pain when she runs over a tender spot or a knot in the muscle, she has however learnt that I stop talking when it starts to hurt, so goes back over the area just to make sure! No seriously she is actually very good.

So that brings me to today I got out to go for a run on my own outside, just me and my orthotics. No problems to report with the orthotics, didn't notice them really perhaps because my legs just felt like lead and didn't want to do it. I did however perserve and managed to drag my overweight frame round 4.2 miles in just under 39 minutes, not fantastic but as someone once said
"Even a thousand mile journey must start with a single footstep"


Blogger beanz said...

mmm I phyzzed yesterday too - sadists the lot of them!

goo do to be back running

6:01 am


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