Hail Caesar
we seem to have a complete Roman Legion living in the house at the moment, and its quite afearsome proposition. The smaller 2 W's are running around with swords and shields and have claimed at least 3 bedrooms for their camp. Whereas BigW seems to be trying to play Caesar by giving out the orders. Priviledge of age I suppose.
So what brought this on? Two things really 1) Middle W is doing Romans at school and he has a hyperactive imagination at the best of time and 2) They have discovered one of my Computer games called Caesar III. Its a bit like SimCity except in Roman times. I'm not sure SmallW has got to grips with the concept of only building when you have money and the building provides a purpose, he is more into just building what looks nice. I hate to say it but they have got me back at it - it had been a year since I last played the game and I installed it on my computer for a quick game - 2 hours later........
Running continues with its build-up 7 slow miles on Saturday and 4 Yassos at lunchtime today, brings me to 50 miles in the month. I'm taking the family up to Glasgow tomorrow for a couple of days, so unless I get out early tomorrow morning that will be running until Saturday.
PS MrsW says thanks for the comments - well apart from Leon's, she gets a bit tetchy when people call her a nurse. BTW has Giovanni found you yet Leon? He was saying something about bilateral tib and fib breaks
and running?
9:50 pm
The typical nurse comment was directed at the nurse who had commented before me!!!!!!
and not at MrsW
Giovanni had that explained to him (he's quite clever you know!!) and he's on his way back to give someone the benefit of his 'new-found-wisdom '
11:32 pm
oh, role play with physical action, I remember it well
now the boys do it all with these sim games - many variations of
we have Rome Total War - watch out for that!
have a good time away - hope the weather improves for your drive
10:09 am
Beanz!!! Rome..? Total War..?
I wants it. I do.
Not enough time though. (sigh)
3:19 pm
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