Great couple of days
Just had some really good days
Got invited down to work colleagues yacht on Friday evening (its not a big boat honest!). We didn't make it past the clubhouse, they do a very nice fish and chips and as for the Gales HSB well that just slipped down a treat. Nice evening though it put paid to any running attempt on Saturday Morning.
Sunday was spent watching BigW at another Rugby tournament and yet another winners medal. He didn't score - unless you count assisting one of your team by grabbing them by the jersey and driving them and the ball over the line. I think he was please with the assist on its own.
Now Monday, most people hate Mondays start of the week and all that, well I felt the same until I got into the office. The rather irritating chap who sits next to me has been moved to some far flung corner of the building - OH YES dancing in the office. Even had to celebrate with a Bacon Butty.
Oh of course with pleasure comes pain - need to work the calories off. Today's chosen form of torture was speed work. 3 Yasso repeats at 6:40 m/m, this was hard work but then its been a couple of months since I did anything speedy, but its a start.
well done for getting back on the ready
hmm yassos - might try those again - but not quite so fast :>)
10:26 pm
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