Been for a run!
Shock horror I actually went for a run this morning. Didn't really feel looking going for a run but I don't really want to be buying anymore new clothes because I'm too fat to wear my current ones. I seem to be putting on weight at about a lb or 2 a week!!
I know its my own fault putting too much in my mouth and not enough exercise. So I decided to start doing something about it.
It wasn't a long run 3.4 miles in 30 minutes, but it's a run. Didn't enjoy it but you never do when going back to something. Got a large blister on my heel as well for my troubles.
Anyway its done. Tomorrow is swimming and Monday will be cycling to work. Run on Tuesday, enough time for the blister to heal. I hope!
[loud cheers and clapping]
You is Back!
Is that FLM thing calling again??
I know the weight problem/feeling! Done bugger all this week and feel like I've put on this week because of it! Still weather is cooling so that should help us!
Take care mate ... we're all here for you!
8:21 am
No FLM is not calling me!!!
Unlike TW is calling someone else ;-)
9:07 pm
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