Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Take a sabbitical or not.

This was meant to be posted last week, but blogger went offline before I could actually post it!!!

"Wandered into some friends blogs and they have all started taking sabbaticals. In the same way I feel the same I feel as if I've got nothing interesting to say - did I ever have anything interesting to say I ask myself?
Of course given my recent problems some people may be a bit worried about this. I can assure you that things are going well My own Doc is happy with my progress, though she did increase my dose slightly to try and deal with the remenants of broken sleep. I take it as a good sign that she doesn't want to see me for another 4 weeks. Work is good still taking it easy and no pressure.
Been cycling to work couple of days a week, not really started running again - too much like hard work. I am however going to sign up for Adult swimming improver lessons at the local pool. I can swim but not fast and certainly not elegantly. I would like to swim at a reasonable pace and enjoy it as a workout.
And that is about that run out of things to say. Of course if anyone wants to drop me a note please do so"

OK the update

Attended my first swimming lesson. It was the hardest I have had to work since speedwork, fortunately it was only for half and hour. I was the slowest in the class by some distance, but not because of effort, just stroke inefficency. The only way to improve is to keep on going is suppose.

Bought a new (to us) car, 206 estate, utility car really. Easier and cheaper than the tank that is the VW Sharan. Pick it up on Tuesday and say goodbye to our 12 year old metro

Thin Controller moved up into Cubs and immediately went on camp for 2 nights with BigW. Came back a very happy but tired controller.

Oh Pix if your reading you won't want to read this bit. Thin Controller took his model railway to his last night of Beavers to show it off as part of one of his badges. The Beaver colony spent the whole session playing with it and Thin Controller absolutely loved showing it off.

Anyway time for me to go. Got work to go to and I need a rest after swimming


Blogger Evil Pixie said...

Don't even go anywhere near trains!
Not even got that far ... well further than getting prices of bits!!
Swimming and cycling .... tri soon!! LOL!
I've improved just by swimming but do wonder how good my swimming is as I am sure I am really inefficient seeing as breast stroke and crawl are only about 5secs different in pace and crawl kills me!!

3:54 pm

Blogger beanz said...

my sports therapist is trying to persuade me to join her swimming group!

7:30 pm

Blogger womble said...

Of course you've got nothing to say, and it's all boring .... that's we drop by and comment!!!!

Silly billy ;o))

8:43 pm

Blogger womble said...

I'm doing post-marathon training.... all the training I didn't do beforehand!


11:01 pm


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