Oh Rats
MrsW got a shock today. LittleW was playing in the back garden and brought something to the back door and said "Poor thing its dead". MrsW was expecting it to be a dead bird or something like that. When she looked it was a dead rat - complete with maggots!!!! Needless to say environmental health have been informed and will be out on Friday to start a rat hunt. Flame throwers at the ready.
Enough of non-running matters. Plantar fasciitis (thanks for the spelling Leon) had calmed down enough to allow me out for a stretch of the legs. We had a new chap start in the office last week who is quite keen to go running, so he joined me for a bit a of a guided tour of where to run. I'm glad to say it was a leisurely jaunt round a familar route. I'm still not wearing my HRM or Garmin so have no accurate idea of the pace, but its the easiest I felt running for a while.
It won't be easy tomorrow, its speedwork and 8*400m, can't wait NOT!
best of luck with the speed work-fun, fun, fun!!!
9:49 pm
pleased to hear your back on form
You're not kind to Southampton though, I've always had a soft spot for them
7:32 am
I keep ready everybody else's blog to get inspired. I'm still in lazy mode!
So, well done you. Enjoy the speedwork :-)
8:32 am
speed work?
Hmmm never tried it BUT my Spans plan has a pyramid session each week!
Got mine either tonightor tomorrow!
Oh joy!
2:11 pm
Thanks for the encouragement folks. Speed session done for the week - now just need some rest ZZzzzz
7:32 pm
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