Hi I'm Rob, Husband to MrsW and Father to 3 children (Big W, Thin Controller and small W). I started this blog after running the London Marathon in 2005 and mainly talked about my attempts at running. In November 2005 I was diagnosed with depression and spent 2 months off work. To say this was a shock to me is an understatement.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Old Running Partners

Another run just for the sake of running. This time I hooked up with another old running partner of mine. For the sake of the blog I'll call him GP. We had the most interesting of conversations about common mode failure in safety critical software. The fact we were able to have a conversation shows that the pace wasn't breakneck speed, so brownie points in the post marathon recovery stakes.

I now seem to have a variety of running partners

GP - At my standard, though once he gets back into proper training after his broken arm and other injuries he'll be a lot better than me
PH - A bit above my standard, but close enough for me hang in there and improve
KJ - Now she is a class act and is the lady of the moment with a sub 3:00 FLM'05 time under her belt. I go running with her only after I've made arrangements for ambulances to meet me with oxygen supplies at various parts of the routes.

I won't get the chance to running the next couple of days as I'm taking the Big 2 LittleW's to Twickenham to see the Army v Navy and its MiddleW's birthday on Sunday.

Last thing I was a very proud Dad this evening. BigW won the Player of the Year award from the coaches of his Rugby Team at his teams award ceremony. He has worked really hard this year. I'm So Proud


Blogger Leon said...

Well done BigW..! :-D
Oooh - the proud Dad thing - how cool is that?!!!
Running is about doing it because it's enjoyable Robert.

And the hard work makes the enjoyable stuff even better..

I'm still waiting for the return of that 'zone' - but it's coming

[hears a noise]

Giovanni..? What are you doing here..?
[mutter whisper mutter]
Pix...? errrr.... she's [points] thataway


10:18 pm


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